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The Wrew

@JoYo @ariadne what this tells me is that these cons have gotten too big, and we need to start over with something new, small, and affordable to all.

Regarding defcon, since when have we as hackers been beholden to things that make us spend obscene amounts of money to spend time with our brethren?

pasta la vida

@Wrewdison @JoYo @ariadne blueteamcon is like $200 for a non-student, $50 for a student

I forgot how much circle city con or pancakes con is, or bsides

I definitely separate out "conferences work pays for" like legal/privacy/vendor ones, and "conferences made by a nice community"

If it's so pricy I couldn't do it on my old dishwasher wages, you're not in the second category

The Doctor

@risottobias @Wrewdison @JoYo @ariadne B-Sides tends to be relatively cheap - less than $100us. Pancakescon is free and online.

Aphrodite ☑️ :boost_ok:

@risottobias @Wrewdison @JoYo @ariadne

It’s why I like hacker camps tbh over these big events, but even they are getting super spendy esp when one is stretching every dollar until it screams.

Toorcamp is $375 per person, not counting getting to and from Orcas.

Chaos Camp last year was €380, Dutch Camp next year likely will be similar, and that excludes getting to and from the sites.

Ryo Kimball

@Wrewdison @JoYo @ariadne I've been hosting a local (Memphis TN) monthly Meetup, wouldn't call it a convention but it's been fun getting local hackers together and just talking shop or whatever.

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