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mekka okereke :verified:

This is not good. A thing that gives me hope:

Iran has the *capability* to strike Israel in under 15 minutes. Iran has anti-ship drones that are almost impossible to shoot down. Iran could have shot first and stayed silent and then claimed responsibility hours later.

Iran *chose* to do a strike that provided hours of early warning. Iran used drones that are relatively easy to shoot down. Iran announced that they were retaliating before they did so.

1 comment
mekka okereke :verified:

Before the inevitable questions of "Whose side am I on anyway?!"

I'm on team Palestinian children, Israeli children, Iranian children, and Yemeni children. I'm on team children. Because that's who gets hurt most in war, whether that's open war, proxy war, or anything in between.

Anyone hoping for escalation, on any part of this conflict, hasn't thought things through. At all.

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