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Well, maintaining nix packages is just easier than figuring how nix works :)


dot deb party:
anime girls sitting on a table in what seems to be classroom, and one of them looks a bit gloomy and labeled debian, and other don't have faces and labeled mx linux and lmde.

CLI party:
Gloomy anime girl looking a lot less calm and what seems to be stuffed toys near a table at the house, one has head laying on table, labeled "Gentoo: still compiling", girl is labeled "Arch: waiting for them" and other toy is somewhere on the floor labeled "NixOS: learning programming language to use system"

Underneath is a comment by "iopq", stating "Joke's on you, I don't understand Nix and I'm a NixOS package maintainer"
Tired Bunny :bunhdcomfysleep:

dot deb party:
anime girls sitting on a table in what seems to be classroom, and one of them looks a bit gloomy and labeled debian, and other don't have faces and labeled mx linux and lmde.

CLI party:
Gloomy anime girl looking a lot less calm and what seems to be stuffed toys near a table at the house, one has head laying on table, labeled "Gentoo: still compiling", girl is labeled "Arch: waiting for them" and other toy is somewhere on the floor labeled "NixOS: learning programming language to use system"

dot deb party:
anime girls sitting on a table in what seems to be classroom, and one of them looks a bit gloomy and labeled debian, and other don't have faces and labeled mx linux and lmde.

@farcaller Ohh, that explains a lot :neocat_laugh_tears:

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