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George Potter

@makeworld @viraptor @aimaz @bontchev medical science has known for decades that BMI is an absolutely terrible metric for health in the general population. Yet most clinical professionals still insist it's invaluable in a clinical context. They're not doing that because they're raving bigots or incompetent, nor are they doing it because they know something we don't, they're just doing it because they're people who are lazy and resistant to change and challenges to their assumptions. Same for IQ.

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George Potter

@makeworld @viraptor @aimaz @bontchev I'm not trying to have a go at you here, or change the subject, but I am begging you to start applying some critical thinking to this.

We're all raised with assumptions about which groups of people have authority and should be trusted and listened to. And someone railing against an established authority isn't automatically right, *but an established authority isn't automatically right either*. Question those assumptions, apply critical thinking.

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