@bontchev yeah, that scans.
All of this is familiar far-right stuff, but where does the insistence to use "AD and BC" come in?
Christian dominionism or something else?
@bontchev yeah, that scans. All of this is familiar far-right stuff, but where does the insistence to use "AD and BC" come in? Christian dominionism or something else? 5 comments
@DanielEriksson @bontchev History MUST be: cavemen -> agriculture -> Rome -> Jesus -> Middle Ages -> "When things were better" -> Now. Nope, it's Christian dominionism. Fascists don't want you to use real academia they want you to use their version of it. AD and BC are explicitly Christian terms that academia hasn't used for a very long time. The use of BCE and CE is religiously neutral. Christian nationalists can't have that. @itty53 @DanielEriksson @bontchev 100% of the political nonsense in the prompt can be mapped to conservapedia, in this case here's the article about CE https://www.conservapedia.com/CE @DanielEriksson @bontchev Yep. There's been a shift to CE/BCE (Common Era/Before Common Era) and Christians who want the whole world to acknowledge their god are mad about that. |
@DanielEriksson @bontchev Some right wing historians feel that replacing AD/BC with CE/BCE is too "woke" because all history has to refer back to the roman empire and christianity or else it's not "real". IMO, I'm not a historian.