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Mikaela Caron

How do you stay productive every day?

It’s wild that I can be super productive one day, and absolutely not the next

What do you do to be more consistent? (This isn’t clickbait, I’m actually wondering how ya do it)


@mikaelacaron It's not so much a strategy as a pattern I've fallen into, but currently, especially with the weather getting nice, I set programming aside for the evening and during the day I read, play some music, go out and get some sunshine, and in a way I'm still working because I'm thinking about what I want to get done, and then I crank through it at night. The result is a steady incremental pace, but once in a while I'll still have to do some massive rewrite or emergency contract work and that can leave me feeling like I don't want to touch the stuff for a while.

@mikaelacaron It's not so much a strategy as a pattern I've fallen into, but currently, especially with the weather getting nice, I set programming aside for the evening and during the day I read, play some music, go out and get some sunshine, and in a way I'm still working because I'm thinking about what I want to get done, and then I crank through it at night. The result is a steady incremental pace, but once in a while I'll still have to do some massive rewrite or emergency contract work and that...

Andy Stechishin

@mikaelacaron first, you are not alone. It is the same for me and I recall Marco Arment saying the same on Under the Radar. I think it is natural, there will always be days when you just can't focus as well. Maybe you are worried about paying for something, or your favourite t-shirt got a big rip, or the left-over taco you ate for breakfast isn't sitting well. Maybe the unproductive day is your body and your mind saying “Friend, you need to step back and take it easy”. We are not machines.

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