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Em :official_verified:

Tiny Privacy Tip for Application Developers πŸ”’βœ¨

Every piece of data you
collect on others with your application becomes a liability to you.

You are responsible for
safeguarding and keeping track of every single piece of personal data you collect.

This is a heavy responsibility.

Especially if you collect and store a lot of data.

A much easier approach is to collect only what is absolutely necessary and delete it thoroughly as soon as it is not necessary to keep it anymore. You will save yourself so many headaches adopting this practice right from the start in your software development.

Remember: You can't be liable for the data you simply never had.
This is the easiest path for you,
and the safest path for your users.

#TinyPrivacyTip #Privacy #DataMinimization


@Em0nM4stodon all too easy for their response to impacted customers to be "Prove you were impacted by OUR data breach" πŸ˜”

Adam Dalliance

Data is the new oil!

Expensive to store, toxic, especially when leaked. The liabilities on the environmental damage that some leaks can cause could bankrupt your company.


Madeline :antiverified:

@Em0nM4stodon This is a big reason my applications only store information on the end-user’s device.

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