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Konrad Hinsen

A new MOOC

"Reproducible Research II: Practices and tools for managing computations and data"

will be open from 16 May to 4 September 2024. Sign up now:

It covers advanced topics in reproducible computation: massive data, complex calculations, management of computational environments.


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Konrad Hinsen

Tools and technology covered, along with the underlying concepts:

- data formats: JSON, FITS, and HDF5
- archiving platforms: Zenodo and Software Heritage
- data management: git-annex
- environments: docker, singularity, guix
- workflows: make, and snakemake

Real-life use case to tie everything together: a sunspot detection study.


Tools and technology covered, along with the underlying concepts:

- data formats: JSON, FITS, and HDF5
- archiving platforms: Zenodo and Software Heritage
- data management: git-annex
- environments: docker, singularity, guix
- workflows: make, and snakemake

Real-life use case to tie everything together: a sunspot detection study.

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