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While the existence of adderall implies the existence of subtracterall, by carrying this logic forward we can deduce the existence of a Godelian Incompletenerall under which one's hyperfocusing on literally everything will paradoxically reveal you have hyperfocused on a vanishing fraction of all possible things, allowing one to work industriously on everything while simultaneously feeling as though one has accomplished nothing, in this exceptionally long but somehow meaningless essay I will


@mhoye you're neglecting the possibility that we only have axiomeralls for some system weaker that arithmeticerall, such as Robinson's Qerall


@mhoye the pedant in me compells me to return and point out I had misremembered this. Q is also incomplete. But it's weaker than Peano. So you would need even weaker axiomeralls to avoid G枚del.


@Scmbradley so you're saying the only way avoid needing Godelian Incompletenerall is microdosring.


@mhoye @Scmbradley

I've been thinking lately... especially since I loosened the G枚del around my bodice and the blood returned to my brain. What a rush, the blood, I mean.

Jesse Baer 馃敟

@mhoye @michaelcoyote it sounds like you might need more adderall. Or less. Or both. In this essay

Simon Walters

@mhoye Sounds something like the Architect said in Matrix Reloaded :)

砖讬 讘专讙专 :python: Shai Berger

FWIW my completion for "the existence of adderall implies the existence of" is "adderany".



@mhoye what about the cheaper generic subtracertnone?

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