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Matthew Garrett

Twitter just doing a "redirect links in tweets that go to to instead but accidentally do so for all domains that end like eg going to" is not absolutely the funniest thing I could imagine but it's high up there


@mjg59 @vmstan this is a level of a incompetence so bad that I can only imagine Elon coded it himself.


@mjg59 Greedy pattern matching is somehow on brand.


@jbaggs @mjg59 Ha! I think you won this conversation @jbaggs

Martin Vermeer FCD

@mjg59 Like the British think-of-the-children filter quite a while ago that made Sussex, Essex and Middlesex and such unreachable.


@rypel @rabbithawk256 @martinvermeer yeah “drapes” was a problem with a content filter for one company I worked at. Probably not a detectable issue for most, but I worked at a theatrical supplier. Detected on day one.

Eli Wallach's favorite Bass

@rypel I have many favorites in this collection of historical realities of this phenomenon from the wiki article

And I just stopped because yeah every once in a while it's edifying to see the absolute absurdity of our modern world

And there's plenty of more to roll my eyes of later


@rypel @rabbithawk256 @martinvermeer

'The word or string "ass" may be replaced by "butt", resulting in "clbuttic" for "classic", "buttignment" for "assignment", and "buttbuttinate" for "assassinate".'

Buttbuttins don't sound like scary killers.

Lewie Kong

@martinvermeer @mjg59 That is still an issue within some local authorities and elsewhere in the public sector.

Space Hobo Actual

It's called "The Scunthorpe Problem" for a reason!

Ian Douglas Scott

@mjg59 It seems a little odd they're still using as their primary domain.

You have to imagine multiple teams at the company have spent the past half year trying to figure out how to ensure all their infrastructure won't explode if they started redirecting to rather than the reverse.

ROTOPE~1 :yell:

@ids1024 @mjg59 you think Twitter still has multiple teams?

You think Twitter still has multiple engineers?

Ian Douglas Scott

@rotopenguin @mjg59 Hundreds of teams, but by now all of them are staffed by LLMs... and some guy named Steve who has to *actually* make sure it doesn't all catch fire.


@ids1024 @mjg59 i think it’s more of a display thing? like you have the links but they get displayed as so you can link to but it will get displayed as netflix


@mjg59 @izzyamar

Another demonstration of technical brilliance from the cosplaying engineer!

Melissa, Baroness of Nonsuch

@rickf @mjg59 He’s just so smart. Bless his little cotton socks.

Jo Momma

@mjg59 regex can be challenging for beginners



In addition to being ridiculous on so many levels, it feels like they're somehow still on the fence as to whether it should be called X or Twitter.

Karl Stanley

@mjg59 it’s wild to me how comically bad they are at basic things.

katch wreck

@mjg59 "spacetwitter" does have a ring to it... 😋


@mjg59 Elmo has reversed himself on many things Any time now, I expect a rebrand. He’ll announce that “ is now, powered by brand X.” Wait for it.

Jesse Karmani

@mjg59 wait, when did this happen? I'm trying to find references/screenshots and coming up blank. I'd love a laugh this afternoon 😂


@mjg59 who is he hiring over there these days 🙄

PB Livin'

@stevenray @mjg59 I don't think it's the staff that's the problem...


@wh0sthatd0g @mjg59 yes, though if Musk is doing any programming we’re all doomed.

Hang On to Each Other

@mjg59 I genuinely hope this was the result of a malicious compliance type of situation. Only to know that not even the folks working there want it to survive


I swear to god, why do people think Muskrat is a genius. He's showing you what a baboon ass he really is and governments need to stop giving him business.

ß¡|| Evenson

@mjg59 They probably set it up to redirect *

[Yaseenist] UsernameSwift ☭ :verifiedaroace:
I love that he fired so many people that nobody there knows how to write a regex
thestrangelet :fedora:

@mjg59 When you lay off all those expensive technical people...

Nick Kerker :coffefied:

@mjg59 "what are unit, integration, smoke, and acceptance tests?" - elmo, probably


@thekerker @mjg59 aren’t smoke tests followed by RUDEs?

Joe Cooper 💾

@mjg59 nobody who could easily get another job is left. All that remains are devs willing to put up with a tremendous amount of crap to work on a product that will inevitably get worse over time because the boss decrees it.

Steven Bodzin

@mjg59 I just posted a link to and it was fine

and then deleted the post because i don't post there anymore

Hobson Lane

Crazy, the incompetence at something so basic and so important.

Rob Bos

@mjg59 Has it been fixed yet? You'd think that'd just be a ten second rewrite of nginx rules. Or whatever.


@mjg59 is this a thing that happened, or just that it'd be hilarious if so? I can't find any mentions of it, but I would absolutely laugh my ass off

Pseudo Nym


Wait, they did what the what now?

Substring match on the end?

Bwahahaha... Oh, you are serious.

OldTurk🗽Focus: #FreeAssange

@mjg59 I can’t believe they even messed up his own company!


@OldTurk @mjg59


A bad idea with likely unexpected happy coincidences

Alexander Knochel

@mjg59 I though April 1st only comes once a year

pasta la vida

@mjg59 O.o is it real? like really in the iphone client?

Rachel Rawlings


sed -i s/elon/dipstick/Ig

"Donald Trump's election deniers boosted by dispstick Musk" 💯

"Donald Trump has been charged with multiple fdipstickies."🤔



Since this change was designed with the use of only one brain cell it must have been made by that cat.

Eric Carroll

@mjg59 Elon fails regular expressions forever.

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