Обнаружил что в конфигах #tmux можно использовать фигурные скобки.

##CLIPBOARD selection integration
##Requires prefix key before the command key
#Copy tmux paste buffer to CLIPBOARD
bind C-c {
if-shell "[ x$WAYLAND_DISPLAY != x ] && command -v wl-copy > /dev/null" {
run-shell "tmux save-buffer - | wl-copy > /dev/null"
} {
run-shell "tmux save-buffer - | xclip -i -selection clipboard > /dev/null"
#Copy CLIPBOARD to tmux paste buffer and paste tmux paste buffer
bind C-v {
if-shell "[ x$WAYLAND_DISPLAY != x ] && command -v wl-paste > /dev/null" {
run-shell "tmux set-buffer -- \"$(wl-paste)\"; tmux paste-buffer"
} {
run-shell "tmux set-buffer -- \"$(xclip -o -selection clipboard)\"; tmux paste-buffer"