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David Mitchell :CApride:


In a place where we have a truly remarkable level of control over our feeds, it boggles my mind how many people want to dictate to others how they should behave.


The tools are there, yes. But I get the impression most people either are not aware they exist or don't know how to use them. I guess, if you consider that they're not accustomed to software that offers the user any significant level of control, it makes sense that they don't explore the options.

@DavidM_yeg @pluralistic

David Mitchell :CApride:

@EverydayMoggie @pluralistic

There is that, so regular posts (or patient replies) that remind about the options we have are a good thing. A follow or a pointer to @FediTips is also a good thing.

Also a note that making sure people understand community standards, or your own standards, is different than telling people what they must do.


David Mitchell :CApride:

@FediTips @pluralistic @EverydayMoggie

For example, I expect that people will use alt text if possible, and might occasionally point out that not doing so excludes people, and potentially also excludes you as many people don’t engage with accounts that don’t #AltText
What someone does with that information is up to them.


Rupert Reynolds

@EverydayMoggie @DavidM_yeg @pluralistic That's a big part of it, yes!

I used to explore websites more, find out what I can do with them.

The temptation now is to give up, because useful features have either never been written, or have been blocked to maximise clicks and advert revenue.

Alan Langford

@DavidM_yeg @pluralistic Seriously. Like make a list "people who don't post long threads" and read that. there are so many tools available and no algorithm overrides them either.

@DavidM_yeg @pluralistic unfortunately fediverse is not RSS because the mastodon people made some questionable design decisions
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