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Dr. Quadragon ❌

@Egide There was never anything to fight for in there in the first place.

God is dead. Religions are harmful.

@Ace @rf @ua @oleg_ru


@drq @Ace @rf @ua @oleg_ru
Thank you for your comment. 🙏
I have published this information from Russia itself. From a member of the clergy. (A pope from the clerical "channel")
I thought it would be interesting to spread it more widely.
At the moment, it's difficult in Russia to communicate.
Whatever we think of religion, it is not only a historical fact, but for many people it is a way of thinking about the world, admittedly simplistic, very insufficient, even harmful. But it's a fact.


@drq @Ace @rf @ua @oleg_ru

About beliefs:
Gustave Doré, History of Holy Russia
Edition 1854 Paris

Гюстав Доре, История Святой Руси
Издание 1854 года Париж

The first russian according mythology

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