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German Tebiev

#Question there is Guppe with its wonderful groups. I enjoy the @tea there, but can’t find anything about the geeky things. Is there something?πŸ™‚

(Attaching the photo of pancakes as my apology for this toot being not on the tea-related topic)πŸ™ƒ

Sarma / Amras

@turbobureaucrat groups can be created by anyone, so feel free to start one if there's a topic you're passionate about.

You can also follow hashtags. Those are a bit less reliable, because you'll only see the posts that your instance knows about. On the other hand, more people use hashtags than groups.
(Talk to your admin about relays if a hashtag feels too quiet)

Finally - you can send your question to the # AskFedi hashtag, or check out for more info on how to use the fediverse :)

@turbobureaucrat groups can be created by anyone, so feel free to start one if there's a topic you're passionate about.

You can also follow hashtags. Those are a bit less reliable, because you'll only see the posts that your instance knows about. On the other hand, more people use hashtags than groups.
(Talk to your admin about relays if a hashtag feels too quiet)

German Tebiev

@amras, here is the group: @geeky
Please use it if you need.πŸ™‚


@turbobureaucrat @tea geeky things such as the process for culotter une billig?

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