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Dave Anderson

Yesterday I ended up taking a random walk through "the rust memory model is more what you'd call "guidelines" than actual rules".

Today I took a wrong turn and ended up on the LKML, in which I learned that the kernel has its own unique memory model, but also now contains rust code which follows the rust memory model (whatever that turns out to be), and also it's necessary to be able to exchange data back and forth between memory models.

Some days, I'm just amazed that computers sometimes work.

Dave Anderson

No diss on anyone involved, to be clear. The kernel has reasons for its own memory model, Rust obviously has _some_ memory model even with edge cases (and in some places delegates to c++20, which I'm assuming is partly a consequence of going through LLVM and inheriting a lot of stuff from C++). People are doing hard and productive work to get all these things nailed down and be confident in how computers work.

It's just... could computers work by themselves every now and then please

Dave Anderson

Stop doing memory models

Writes were not supposed to have colors

Years of debugging yet no real-world use found for free running concurrency

Wanted to run two things at the same time anyway for a laugh? We had a thing for that called several computers

"Yes please do a consume load. Please relax my stores" Statements dreamed up by the utterly deranged

They have played us for absolute fools

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