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Random Geek

@jame @maddiefuzz dammit making me sad all over again that of all the companies to come up with WP 8 (or Windows 8 for that matter) why'd it have to be Microsoft?

Come up with an interesting idea. I guess even MS can do that sometimes.

Screw it up a little bit. Everyone does that, no big deal.

Back away so fast they leave skidmarks when people complained. MS and Google, neck and neck for this prize.

Madeline :antiverified:

@randomgeek @jame I think we can all get behind forcing companies to finish what they start, if just for the schadenfreude. - an ex-Google Domains user

Random Geek

@maddiefuzz @jame there is a non-zero chance that my dying words will be something about still missing the Lumia 925.

Mystery Babylon

@randomgeek @jame @maddiefuzz I liked Windows 8. It almost, almost convinced me that MS wasn't hot garbage as a company.

Boy did they soon set me straight.

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