90 boosts and zero people have said 'um, the fedi is in no way 'a website' ' despite everyone knowing that. Again, no notes.
Social media has peaked, we must bask in this.
90 boosts and zero people have said 'um, the fedi is in no way 'a website' ' despite everyone knowing that. Again, no notes. Social media has peaked, we must bask in this. 8 comments
April fools has been established as a day when normal rules of consent and consequences around being mildly fucked with are suspended. But the fedi said no. Somehow as a joint decision we have decided to refuse to suspend usual consent. Normal rules about being fucked with still apply. If you fuck with anyone on April fools day we're going to assume you're the kind of person who fucks with people and treat you accordingly. And I think that's beautiful. @coolandnormal as an autistic person I regularly fall victim to April Fools so I second this motion @coolandnormal This is why I still quite like Fedi, even after a year of off and on usage. Not to say conflict never happens, but there is respect for other people's boundaries that I haven't seen anywhere else. @coolandnormal unfortunately it wasn't as widespread as I had hoped, but still noticeable, I also liked it bu and spent most of the day offline for that reason. @coolandnormal I want it to go the other way. We start sabotaging systems in celebration of being "funny, mischevious little guys" |
Yeah I resisted. I'm in!!! It's like a Jedi Mind Test...