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@popey @ministerofimpediments I wouldn’t be surprised at all. I know the same kinds of people. Asking the same questions. Taking the same risks. Unfortunately there is a limit to saving people from themselves. Canonical’s is (probably) higher than most.

Side question…does Flatpak have the same problem? Same publisher? For curiosity sake mostly.


@ministerofimpediments No, because every flatpak initial submission is human-reviewed. Something potentially could slip through, all things are possible, but it's less likely. Someone could submit a legit app, and then pivot it later, once it has a decent userbase. Or rug-pull, like many crpto things do.


@popey @ministerofimpediments They say the first step in fixing a problem is identifying the actual problem.
It seems the crypto wallet thing is a symptom. The real problem is a deficiency in initial/periodic review of the snaps and related security in the snap store itself.
And that is a problem for not just the normies, but for everyone who uses it.


@ministerofimpediments This is something I mentioned in my blog post.

Ministerofimpediments replied to popey

@popey @ministerofimpediments …then I should probably read your blog post. So should someone at Canonical. One of these is more likely than the other.

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