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I disagree in calling AI generally bullshit.

I agree, if you refer specifically to LLM and image creation.

I disagree, if it's about finding solutions in the fields of e.g. science or construction.


@fasnix @pluralistic it does not find solutions. It spits out what is likely to match the context, i.e. not only does it not think out of the box, it even stays relatiely narrow to the centre of the box


In a scientific context, "AI" was prompted to "find highly toxic chemicals" (not exact wording).

It found some 40.000+ combinations, many of them also highly explosive, if I remember correctly.
Scientists themselves would have never thougt about those.
After some debate, whether to publish them, they were published.


How far "in the centre of the box" is this example, in your opinion?


In a scientific context, "AI" was prompted to "find highly toxic chemicals" (not exact wording).

It found some 40.000+ combinations, many of them also highly explosive, if I remember correctly.
Scientists themselves would have never thougt about those.
After some debate, whether to publish them, they were published.

mirabilos replied to flo

@fasnix @pluralistic that is of course relative to the total size of the box and the context; I’m sure they would not use somethint like ChatGPT for that but something specialised.

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