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TQ ✨

My sensevieria is in full bloom! The flowers open at night and they smell like... Unripe jasmine? Lighter and greener than jasmine, but still quite heavy and sweet.
#bloomscrolling #florespondence

TQ ✨

@venetiana it's so pretty! I'm just glad the smell isn't too much, you have to get quite close to smell it.

venetiana :heart_sp_bi:

@TQ i can imagine! mine flowered a single time, a few years ago. i absolutely loved it.

TQ ✨

@venetiana I read that every plant just flowers once...

venetiana :heart_sp_bi:

@TQ ah okay! i think my plant kinda tried a second time? but that didn't work out (it grew another of those white flower stems, but it stayed flowerless). buuut it could also be that it was actually from another plant (i guess there could be multiples in this pot 😅).

Daniel Bohrer

@TQ wow, I've never seen one in flower!

TQ ✨

@daniel_bohrer I think this one must really like the spot we put it in!

Alex Schroeder

@TQ Wonderful! I always love it when they do that. Love it.

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