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Nick @ The Linux Experiment

Hey everyone!

I'm working on a video to see what the Linux community (or at least people who follow me) actually use.

So, I created a little form, hosted on my Nextcloud (hopefully it's up to the task...)

It's only up for 2 days, so don't hesitate to share it around, it will help me "touch grass" and see if my preconceived notions are confirmed, or invalidated!

Of course, it's all anonymous, no personal data, it's just for the purposes of creating the video.


@thelinuxEXP It lacks Debian Unstable, which is different from testing.

Gregor Niehl

@thelinuxEXP About the "Where did you get your device from" question: I got mine from a fairly unknown non-Linux manufacturer (Schenker), and I ordered it without any OS pre-installed.

Maybe those two edge cases could be reflected in the form?


@gregorni @thelinuxEXP I have a HP but ordered it without an OS. I donโ€™t pay the Microsoft tax.


@gregorni @thelinuxEXP Mines a Framework, I answered Linux Manufacturer, but I'm not sure if that's completely true. Also no OS.


@thelinuxEXP love to see the average in the results soon ๐Ÿ˜. Added mine ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Pepper1700 :veritrek_gold:

@thelinuxEXP My situation is extremely RaspberryPi, I rarely boot my 14900K currently, still waiting for COSMIC. Its mostly a workstation and a gaming machine.


@thelinuxEXP I might be the user with dedicated amd and novoueau ๐Ÿ˜…

Got confused if I could fill it out for my desktop and my laptop

Nick @ The Linux Experiment

@razze You can submit multiple answers if you want, by filling the form twice, if you use your computers equally as much!


@thelinuxEXP I have 2 systems with a very different config, what can I do ?


@thelinuxEXP Cool that you're doing these polls, it's fun to see what everyone uses

Nick @ The Linux Experiment

@ilarioq There are a few hundred answers already, so it seems to work ok for most people?


@thelinuxEXP by "flatpak apps", do you include CLI apps?


@thelinuxEXP I am missing the Dualboot Linux - Linux option. I always have a 2nd Linux installed in parallel for testing and maintenance tasks.

Jeolen Bruine

@thelinuxEXP we can't have bought a PC from a niche manufacturer with Windows? ๐Ÿ˜…


@thelinuxEXP I answered openSUSE for my main laptop, but I actually have a secondary laptop I run Linux Mint on. In all honesty I would run Mint on my main laptop too, it just needs fractional scaling on par with KDE Plasma first.



X11 user but also using Wayland from time to time to check if everything I use works as expected, Darktable and colour management above all.

No multiboot with only several Linux distros option? that's me ๐Ÿ˜ฌ


@thelinuxEXP done, I look forward to results! ๐Ÿ‘€


@thelinuxEXP Very interested to see the survey results!

I do wish that you had a question about secondary or multiple computers. As a hobbyist, I have 2 Linux-exclusive laptops, 1 laptop and 1 desktop that dual-boot Linux and macOS, 1 Linux-only desktop, and 3 Raspberry Pi SBCs.

My current distro of choice is @ultramarine, with my hybrid graphics laptop running #NobaraLinux, but for friends and family I strongly recommend #LinuxMint.


@thelinuxEXP Finished submitting it for one of my machines, but I do have another one where I use dwm.

Is the TWM shilled by Luke Smith so niche now that it's basically irrelevant?

Nick @ The Linux Experiment

@thatloststudent Not sure, I might have missed some options in the list, Iโ€™m seeing more ยซ others ยป answers for this specific question


@thelinuxEXP Better look around r/unixporn for more options lol

Keywan Tonekaboni

@thelinuxEXP hi, I try to use mostly flatpak, sometimes AppImage and when there is no alternative distro package.

Steps ๐Ÿง

@thelinuxEXP pretty cool! sharing it with some friends too.


@thelinuxEXP This is not critique, but I have 3 totally different systems. For work and gaming LMDE6, for freetime Artix + DWL and for tinkering machine I dual boot Pop_OS! and FreeBSD.

Ian Matters ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ

@thelinuxEXP @JustineSmithies@treehouse.system FYI I had trouble submitting my response ๐Ÿ‡ฆ๐Ÿ‡บ

Nick @ The Linux Experiment

@imatters I guess the errors might have happened when I added an option to a question while someone was answering? I added a few things after some feedback, maybe it messed with Nextcloud


@thelinuxEXP Iโ€™m using the only mainstream AMD + AMD gaming laptop as a daily driver. Asus Tuf A16 2023 edition.

Everything works ootb though youโ€™ll have a better experience with asusctl & rog-gui installed


@thelinuxEXP Thank you Nick, these are fun to do once in a while! Hope you can do a few more in the future.

Nick @ The Linux Experiment

@ricol03 Yeah, if I can find interesting things to cover this way, Iโ€™ll definitely repeat the experience!


@thelinuxEXP nice to see the Forms app that I'm codevelopping in action #nextcloud #forms

Nick @ The Linux Experiment

@Chartman123 Seems to be working pretty well, itโ€™s the third time I use it to ask some feedback, and itโ€™s been great!

pell :linux: :gimp:

@thelinuxEXP You have "tiling window manager" but no option for non-tiling window managers. What do I choose?


@thelinuxEXP Just completed the form. Can't wait to see the results. I use mostly Flatpaks and Fedora native applications but only two appimages and no snaps. Haven't felt the need to touch appimages or snaps


@thelinuxEXP ofcourse my man :badabing: we love u :blobaww:
I really want to know the results.

Paolo Bee :debian:

@thelinuxEXP Done, and thank you. Maybe a missing option in the hardware part could be something like "main manufacturers (HP, Lenovo etc.) without OS". It's usually my case (also with 2nd hand corporate machines)

Brad Thornborrow

@thelinuxEXP A lot of these questions should be multiple choice, like the AMD/Intel question, windowing environments and browserโ€ฆ

Nick @ The Linux Experiment

@bradthornborrow No, theyโ€™re meant for the system you use the most, so multiple choices donโ€™t really make sense here :)


@thelinuxEXP I have a Gigabyte Aorus laptop, and odd enough, it is impossible to do a dual boot on it, even triple or quadruple or whatever


@thelinuxEXP anyway, done & boosted, & shared on my Discord server


@thelinuxEXP Tried to submit the survey but got an error in submitting.

Scotty Trees

@thelinuxEXP Just did it, took only a min or two, good luck with the video!

Norbi Peti

@thelinuxEXP heh I should've waited with my Windows install so I could've said Linux only. I had to install it recently to play games that, while working *perfectly* on Linux, refuse to let me play online because of #anticheat.

Norbi Peti

@thelinuxEXP Also, Fedora defaulted to Wayland even for Nvidia proprietary drivers but Discord and games were glitching so I went back to X11.

BiggestBulb ๐Ÿ’ก๐Ÿณ๏ธโ€๐ŸŒˆ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿ’ป

@thelinuxEXP you should definitely add a Windows option to the list (some of us still do daily-drive Windows for specific reasons... But still use Linux from time to time)

Cocaine Owlbear done. I want to clarify though that the only hardware on my Lenovo laptop that doesn't work is the fingerprint reader. Everything else has worked out of the box for everything from Void to Arch to Debian, all the way up to my current Fedora Silver blue 40 beta.

Love your show, BTW.


@thelinuxEXP I completed your form - The Nextcloud site loaded VERY fast from my VPN In Canada. Looking forward to the video - Great content. Debain 12 vanilla is the best DE. No need for anything else. ;)


@thelinuxEXP .... I am also have no issues with Wayland anymore ... except screen sharing on zoom and jitsi .... which is something I thought could be resolved a long time ago. Once they get that resolved, I think Wayland is finally ready for more commercial/business use!


@thelinuxEXP Took approximately forever but it did load and display eventually, and submitted successfully. ๐Ÿ™‚

Peter Mount

@thelinuxEXP I responded with my current desktop but I do use many others, I have a large network.

So the response was for the desktop, the laptop is Mint with zfs for the filesystem, but have other machines running Plex, Ubuntu, Debian & a couple of Mac's. The others are either microcontrollers or older 8 & 16 bit machines


@thelinuxEXP I've been using the same distribution for years, but every once in a while I give a different one a try and daily drive it for a few days

ari melody ๐Ÿ’ซ

@thelinuxEXP thanks for the tip that forms are even an app in nextcloud! i had no idea- super cool feature

Alessandro Corazza

@thelinuxEXP done! Curious to see the results. This also reminds me that I need to give Nextcloud another shot.

Nah :tg_rose: Basing solely on the number of extensions to determine if it is GNOME vanilla or not does not seem correct to me โ€‹:neocat_think:โ€‹

You can use only 1 extension, but that extension will be PaperWM, and you can no longer say that it is still vanilla GNOME

I use more than 2 extensions, but my GNOME is still pretty vanilla


@thelinuxEXP I went to the trouble of filling it out and got an "error"--with no indication as to why. I left some answers undone because your pole depends a great deal on my only using one computer regularly.

Oh well.


@thelinuxEXP I have a dell laptop and it came with freedos, not Windows, so in my case neither Linux nor Windows was pre-installed. That question put me in a weird dilemma (ใƒ„)

WerySkok :verified_think:

@thelinuxEXP ah yes, a classic case of Nextcloud being too slow

~~rewrite it in Rust when?~~

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