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Fabian Giesen

I do have plenty of code that I professionally maintain (you know, at work, where I get paid to do so) where security issues get handled ASAP but... that's work.

Like that's actual work. I do that (and other support, and other coding) full-time every week. I'm not going to spend my weekends doing the exact same thing I do at work too. (I did for a while and it was _bad_ for me. I'm not going back.)

Fabian Giesen replied to Fabian what's my point here?

For foundational libs (including xz/liblzma) tons of people depend on, it sure would be nice if, assuming there are people who _want_ to be full-time maintainers, get to actually be paid for doing so.

For something like the stb libs? I really don't know. I don't think we're foundational. If those libs disappeared overnight, nothing terrible would happen, people would just use other alternatives.

Fabian Giesen replied to Fabian

And "any open-source lib anywhere in the wild must be up to professional quality standards and respond to all bug reports in a timely fashion" is also a bullshit standard to apply to anything. It just doesn't work that way.

Kevin Gibson replied to Fabian

@rygorous people love the part of open source licenses that give them permissions, and always ignore the parts about the software being without warranty of any kind. It's not always just a legal cover!

Fabian Giesen replied to Fabian

The majority of libs you know at the very least _started out_ as someone just noodling around on their private project and then over time turned into the go-to solution for XYZ.

But for many libs, that's just never been the goal, and pretending that not having that level of ambition is tantamount to failure is also not serving anybody.

Irenes (many) replied to Fabian

@rygorous well said, and thank you for speaking to this angle on it! we haven't seen enough people talking about that

railmeat replied to Fabian


“It just doesn't work that way.” It should not work that way. People should be able to publish software for free without incurring the obligations that come from commercial software.

That idea is backwards.

People or companies that take a dependency on software with no warranty get what they deserve. They have to make the effort test it and check the dependencies on their own.

Maciej Sinilo replied to railmeat

@railmeat @rygorous the most mind boggling example is probably cURL which was still a part-time project until very recently.. and the author was getting "charming" emails like

Kevin Karhan replied to Maciej

@msinilo @railmeat @rygorous EXACTLY!

IMHO, companies need to cntribute accordingly and not just leech code...

Per Vognsen replied to Kevin

@kkarhan @msinilo @railmeat @rygorous But even that is missing the point in some of these cases. Many people don't want code contributions to their open source projects from outsiders (or perhaps from anyone). But it's probably worth "standardizing" some of the messaging around this in the way we do with licenses so the expectations can be super clear to everyone.

Kevin Karhan replied to Per

@pervognsen @msinilo @railmeat @rygorous

I can understand why some projects are sus about external code.

for example reached it's high level of by being rather reluctant to changes...

But I think a lot of devs stopped asking "why?" and saying "No!" when it's necessary...

That being said I'd rather yeet something than having to deal with shit that breaks that is maintained by nonchalant assholes that refuse to acknowledge their responsibility or the fact that "just recompile it" is not the correct answer to them bricking Userspace...

- Yes that was a vent against in specific and the whole project in general. And yes I do maintain a GNU-free + / distro known as @OS1337 and I have no shame to this self-promo.

@pervognsen @msinilo @railmeat @rygorous

I can understand why some projects are sus about external code.

for example reached it's high level of by being rather reluctant to changes...

But I think a lot of devs stopped asking "why?" and saying "No!" when it's necessary...

That being said I'd rather yeet something than having to deal with shit that breaks that is maintained by nonchalant assholes that refuse to acknowledge their responsibility or the fact that "just recompile it"

crzwdjk ✅ replied to Fabian

@rygorous And if someone wants to take a "for fun" library and use it as a load bearing component of some project they can take over maintenance, but then again that's pretty much what happened with xz.

Soso replied to Fabian


> any open-source lib anywhere in the wild must be up to professional quality standards and respond to all bug reports in a timely fashion

I think the proper standard should be to request that on vendors selling production software. « all libs you depend on must be up to o professional standards of security ». If upstream can't meet that, for the reasons you described, then it's downstream responsibility to either fork or vendor to meet that criteria.

Seasonal Stompy Robot replied to Fabian

There are alternatives to any lib.
You can even swap out Linux kernel for BSD kernel and it won't be the end of the world.

"How many machines is this on, and how frequently is it invoked, and with what privileges?" Are the real questions.

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