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daniel:// stenberg://

πŸ’š Stay strong xz maintainer(s). We're with you.πŸ’š


@bagder There are so many projects which are considered as β€œthey must be there” and underfunded or not funded at all. I believe, companies using packages should sponsor them.

Sheogorath 🦊

@bagder Learning that this hit them in their holiday… It's the worst time ever.

There will be no rest for him, just due to the situation. I hope he's well and manages to get over this chaos quickly.

Matthias Klumpp

@bagder Thank you! I can't imagine how bad this must feel for Lasse Collin, especially after reading[1].
We're with him and all honest XZ contributors, and they're not to blame πŸ™‚


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