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@anakin78z @AuthorJMac

The dishwashing process in my very large family is as follows:

We pre-clean everything by hand or the crumbs clog the washer. Dishwasher runs 2-3 times at least.

Then it needs to be sorted, dried, and put away.

We cook every day.

The many big bowls and pots used for cooking, and containers of left-overs just emptied do not fit into the dishwasher in an efficient manner and must be hand washed and hand dried.

They’re split between several rooms.

Pls automate.

1 comment
Jens Zalzala

@astroPug @AuthorJMac the idea that AI removes all work is false. It's part of a process, just as doing your dishes in a dishwasher is part of a process. Reading your post, I think your process has lots of room for improvement, but it's not going to be fully automated.

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