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Jens Zalzala

@AuthorJMac You asked for dishwashing and laundry to be automated. People did. Now you're saying 'not like that'.

People are automating art & writing. But it doesn't replace the whole process. The idea that AI replaces every part of the process is fully false. So your analogy doesn't work. If you look at any production out there actually using AI, they take weeks, months, etc. Why? Because it's just another tool in a process.

If you want tools to free up your time, they probably can already.

1 comment
Joanna Maciejewska

@anakin78z No, I said that if we're automating anything with AI, I'd prefer automation of things that people generally don't enjoy than things that people do enjoy. Laundry and dishes were just examples.

And if you think it doesn't replace the whole process, you haven't been paying attention to what's going on in creative industries and those industries who used to employ creative freelancers.
It could have been just a tool. It's been a money-saving and money grabbing replacement which development's ethical side is in question. To me, AI isn't the next step in creativity. It's a tool of greed.

It could have been great. But well, some humans prove over and over again that we can't have nice things.

@anakin78z No, I said that if we're automating anything with AI, I'd prefer automation of things that people generally don't enjoy than things that people do enjoy. Laundry and dishes were just examples.

And if you think it doesn't replace the whole process, you haven't been paying attention to what's going on in creative industries and those industries who used to employ creative freelancers.
It could have been just a tool. It's been a money-saving and money grabbing replacement which development's...

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