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@AuthorJMac I quit I.T. so that I could start a new writing career. I learned this week that a substantial part of my copywriting job will now be programming a computer through a prompt to do the writing that I used to do last week.

Joanna Maciejewska

@therieau That one meme with a burning building and a dog sitting inside comes to mine.
"It's fine. It's all fine."


@therieau @AuthorJMac I completed a degree last year in cybersecurity. Since I couldn't find an entry-level job in the field, I considered technical writing, but from what I'm told that may be another casualty of AI.


@analogfusion @AuthorJMac I think businesses will give their technical writing jobs and my copywriting niche to AI only if they can tolerate bad or hallucinatory writing. Otherwise, we're still going to be needed—at least for a little while longer.

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