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Alexander Dyas


Nobody will make money from cleaning your dishes.

People can make money from making and selling art.

argv minus one


Who the hell is intentionally paying money for “AI” “art”?



@argv_minus_one Whichever goofus who you can convince to do it, see NFTs.

Alexander Dyas

@argv_minus_one @AuthorJMac

Intentionally or not, money is already being spent on AI art. A lot of people won’t care as long as it looks ‘nice’.

All the places where art and design are part of something else, advertising, publicity, publishing. We indirectly pay for that.

It won’t be long before art that is 100% human generated will be labelled as such, to distinguish it. It will become a luxury as will anything that isn’t automatically made or executed.

Colin Cogle :verified:

@argv_minus_one @alexanderdyas @AuthorJMac It’s the opposite of an NFT. Instead of paying fake money for real art, you spend real money on fake art.

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