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tfw you find a pentagram in your computer science paper

it's a pentagram. at each point are boxes "thread" and memory" with arrows to and from each other
Dan Sugalski

@dysfun Out of curiosity, are you doing memory cleverness at the OS level, compiler/core library level, or userspace level? Because if you're at OS or compiler/core levels of the system you can do some Really Clever Things with the MMU that aren't phenomenally expensive...

Dan Sugalski

@dysfun Pity. You can do fun things with even just the tiniest bit of access to the system hardware. (You also learn to swear at length and enthusiasm at Intel since their MMU hardware is... somewhat quirky and not necessarily as awesomely performant as one might want) It can make some of the generational copying algorithms a lot faster and you can make some of the transactional algorithms conceptually simpler if you squint right.


@wordshaper no good for the current project, but i'm certainly interested in hearing more

Ben Rosengart

@wordshaper @dysfun And if you write UB, you can trap the nasal demons in your pentagram.


@dysfun I think I might have read this paper in another lifetime. It looks familiar lol.


@megmac apparently it originally appeared in "A tutorial introduction to the ARM and POWER relaxed memory models".

checks out 😂​


@dysfun @megmac Oh god, I read that. How did I forget the pentagram


@dysfun Those are normally only found in electronics papers. This must be especially cursed CS

jonoodle :dragnloaf:

@dysfun reminds me of this diagram I needed for class

state diagram of MOESI cache coherence protocol

@ionchy they made you learn MOESI? oh i'm sorry :blobhajhug:​


@Emily_S @cstross i'm not sure if he admits it any more, but he used to hack perl. pentagrams help ward off the evil perl spirits, you see.

Emily S

@dysfun @cstross makes sense. you'd definitely need some kind of containment wards for that kind of thing.


@dysfun you do need to summon satan in order to deal with multithreading, so is it too far off?


@taureon if you look carefully, it's cache coherence, the worst of multithreading.

🇺🇦 haxadecimal

@dysfun Hey! Yes, you! Come over here! Yes, out of the pentagram. Don't worry, you'll be fine.

Louis Dureuil

I mean given that multiple threads are involved, I'm not surprised


@mwyman no of course not, i'm just trying to do multicore programming. the demons are merely an unpleasant side effect

Michael Wyman

@dysfun true, that is dark magic that can have unanticipated side effects


I'd call it pentagraph. Or pentagron. Because it is pentagram in pentagon.

Clark W. Griswold #resist

@dysfun After a series of strange occurrences, the authors of that paper were never seen or heard from again…..

Jeff ♨️ Darcy

@dysfun This looks like a way to summon philosophers. For dinner.

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