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ed(1) conference


Depends on what you're looking for. I require KVM (for BSDs) rather than OpenVZ (Linux-only). I have a VPS at each of the following:

I've been pleased with OVH if their locations meet your needs, though I had to hack OpenBSD onto it (BSDs not supported). I've been pleased with their connectivity & DDoS mitigations.

For cheap disk-space on slower HDD hardware, InterServer has storage servers at one of the best prices I've found and they let me load a boot .iso (by disk-image URL) for installing FreeBSD or OpenBSD. I don't remember if I had to open a ticket to load the .iso though.

I also have one VPS host at RackNerd which has some pretty good prices and support for installing from a custom .iso. Base prices are nothing spectacular, but they often have seasonal coupon-codes for notable discounts.

I wish I could recall off the top of my head which of those gave me some IPv6 trouble (mostly a matter of failing to provide the IP/mask/gateway information via DHCP6/SLAAC or in the control-panel).

Adam Thompson

@ed1conf @mwl OVH does IPv6 really weird.

Whoever architected that a) doesn't understand subnets, and b) was fairly afraid of *running out*.

Adam Thompson

@ed1conf @mwl however, OVH offers low end bare metal for an amazing price and their stuff mostly just works once you figure out the undocumented limitations.

And they have two North American bit barns that are NOT located in the United States of Overreach.

Con: adequate network connectivity at best. Very much optimized for cost and it shows. But, cheap. So...

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