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Nerdy Echidna

@mwl this is not new. They didn't 'just' enshittify. They've taken another step in the seemingly unavoidable road to enshittification, but that section of the TOS is two years old.

Michael W Lucas¹ :flan_mail:

@spineless_echidna so I've heard. But I haven't been forced to agree to it before.

Nerdy Echidna

@mwl Also, my understanding from reading the whole TOS is that your User Content is the content that you generate on their website, i.e. Vultr guides and so on. Both Digital Ocean and Linode seem to manage their claim over your IP in a similar way: user-generated content such as DO guides is licensed to them in perpetuity, whereas the license for your private content is limited to them copying and distributing it (as they would need to in order to host your content so you can make it available to others).

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