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Michael W Lucas¹ :flan_mail:

@Mirk0dex you back up your systems, power off at the command line, and restore elsewhere without logging into the gui.

also use their support page to send a message that you don't accept the new ToS.


@mwl @Mirk0dex Any idea where are you moving? I realized "hey, maybe I should check where mwl is hosting his servers", and dig+whois told me you're on vultr.... Welp.

Also. Condolences. This sucks.

mirk0dex :gnulightened:

@overeducatedredneck @mwl I don't know man, I really don't. I thought maybe Digital Ocean, but it's still proprietary.


@Mirk0dex @mwl Looks like DigitalOcean lets you create custom images for running BSD, but I've definitely seen them get trashed on for being a source of spam (and thus IP addresses with bad reputations).

If you aren't running email, I have friends with droplets that they were reasonably happy with.

Out of Control :laravel: 🇨🇦

@overeducatedredneck @Mirk0dex @mwl We use SES on AWS for email with all our Digital Ocean VMs. Barely costs a thing, easy to setup with Exim or Postfix.


@outofcontrol @Mirk0dex @mwl So... That misses a few points. If I were Ok with AWS handling my outbound email, I'd probably just be leaving everything as-is, which is having google handle it for me.

I'm bailing on google because it's the enshittocene, and I want as few proprietary layers (especially big tech controlled) in my infrastructure as possible.

(I'm a professional SRE, and I have run a lot of infra on AWS. I know what their services do.)

mirk0dex :gnulightened:

@overeducatedredneck @mwl I'm looking for some other VPS providers, I've found Ionos (, their prices start from $2/month. But it'd definitely be a downgrade specs-wise. Also, not free/libre and I haven't looked at their ToS yet.

mirk0dex :gnulightened:

@mwl so, I sent them a support ticket saying that I do not accept their updated ToS and I want my credit refunded, which I cannot check because I can't login into the web interface. Let's see what they reply.


@Mirk0dex @mwl Check out the linked reddit thread they have instructions on how to cancel w/o agreeing to the new TOS beforehand (which they try to force you to do )

Asta [AMP] cool, well, it's good that my internet is setup. This is annoying, because it means I'll need to shut down and migrate my instance a lot sooner than anticipated. Thanks for the headache, vultr.

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