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nixCraft 🐧

@mwl wtf? I use aws but it is a bit of expensive. Maybe it is time to go back to colo options with our own tiny server. Idk

Brad Rubenstein “:verified:”

I've also been happy with Linode, and the service seems unchanged across their sale to Akamai.

I don't know how their terms of service compare to the likes of unfortunately named Vultr — I've never seen anything where Linode/Akamai claims any rights to VM content (except abuse-of-service termination rights).

Anyone know more?

@QRSS_Test @nixCraft @mwl @andrewfeeney


@nixCraft "long overdue" is the correct term. fuck cloudshittification. @mwl

Nuno & Lua :DsaprvingLua:

@nixCraft @mwl been using netcup (for server and general remote services) and scaleway (for S3 compatible buckets). Both are EU companies.

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