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Erin Kissane

I try to be measured about this, and I think a few people have articulated sound reasons—rooted in recognition of US tech hegemony having wrecked the global landscape of connection—for federating with Meta.

Also I think evangelists for the ~pure upsides of federating with Threads have an ethical obligation to materially support the tooling + unending human effort required to deal with this level of shitshow.

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Thomas 🔭✨

@kissane I was in the "let's see" camp and now after seeing what's going on there I'm happily in the "good that my instance blocked them" camp.

Erin Kissane

I’ll add that I think many of the most visible pro-Threads *are* committed to at least informal support for the tooling and the effort, but the longer I watch this, the more I think it’s going to require something less piecemeal and benevolent and more committed and formal. And I think that’s doable.

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