@doctormo @eobet @metin
I ended up buying Affinity Designer because the UX bugs on the Mac version make it barely useable 😑 Submitted this bug a while back, still not fixed AFAIK:
Recently tried using it again to export an SVG as a png. The button to select the export directory wouldn't work (clicking did nothing), so I couldn't export. This was using the Inkscape snap on Ubuntu, so I guess it's not just Mac.
Addressing these core UX issues would be a good start 😩
Oh snaps, stay away from that junk.
Thanks for reporting the issue, it does help. Even if resources are prioritised and it takes time to get seen.
I'm actually looking forward to the bug accelerator program, we got three people some money to fix some of these issues for 1.4. So some resources are moving towards the biggest needs.