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Thermite Be MMXXV

Boost to curse a timeline with the fish train

Train that looks like a grouper or similar fish, because it has small, widely spaced “eyes” (headlights) and a massive set of lips on it. I am fairly certain that it is a Japanese train but I’m not sure if it’s an altered image.

@ThermiteBeGiants JR West Resort Saloon Festa

I regret to inform you that the mouth opened and had a speaker so that the fish train could talk.

Mercifully scrapped in 2004.

Fish train with open mouth
Steve's Place

@ThermiteBeGiants There is a hinge on the bottom lip. If it's real, it would likely open to consume flying insects as the train speeds along. I want to believe. 🐟 🚂

Drew Mayo

@ThermiteBeGiants Pixar’s first franchise attempt not so successful.

GadgetGeek 🇪🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

@ThermiteBeGiants never seen Fishy McFish Face train before. What next Trainy McTrain boat?

Illustration of a smiling anthropomorphic wooden boat on the sea with seagulls and clouds in the background.
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