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Emeritus Prof Christopher May

Wes Streeting's position, it seems (as told to the FT) wants the NHS to utilise private healthcare while it straightens itself out, so that in the long run it won't have to...

I mean its cute that he thinks that's possible; 'my ambition... to make the NHS so good that no one feels forced to go private'!

However, misunderstands how the private sector cherry picks medical treatments to ensure that the NHS never gets the easy to do stuff; so never 'gets better' just challenged

#NHS #healthcare

happy new rhys

@ChrisMayLA6 The same approach worked rather well during the Blair/Brown years.

Using private entities in the short term to clear the backlog was however accompanied by significant NHS investment to in the longer term to remove the reliance on private support. Streeting wants that outcome but hasn't committed to the spending to get there yet — which is a legit area of concern — but I've not seen anyone serious argue that using private capacity to reduce the backlog won't work.

Andy Buckley

@rhys @ChrisMayLA6 Except that the private "capacity" is largely staffed by NHS consultants. Question is whether there's a way to get them to do the same work directly in the NHS rather than with an overhead cost for a private healthcare firm that's been bought in to do NHS work with NHS doctors, adding virtually nothing. The consultants do it for better rates, obviously, so... follow the money

Emeritus Prof Christopher May


Exactly.... its the private sector element of the Blair/Brown strategy without the public sector element - the effect will therefore not be the same....


@ChrisMayLA6 and next week we’ll get another message from his sponsors!

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