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Cat Hicks

@johnmark I'm really interested in interventions that help people learn to reflect on/notice these mindsets, and then find ways to change them. We've seen some good impact from relatively lightweight interventions about learning & belonging (like teams holding learnathons). Often a matter of finding the folks who are as frustrated as you and coming together to advocate on it. But so much work to do to figure out more here.

John Mark :blobcatverified: ☑️

@grimalkina Learnathons! That sounds like the sort of thing I could start today

Cat Hicks

@johnmark yasssss!!

In our recent toolkit we have shared our research-developed and tested pre and post measures, alongside the learnathon kit AND a premortem kit which you are welcome to remix and adapt to other contexts.

This one in particular was about genAI and software because that has been a pervasive fear and stressor for teams lately, but we've seen folks reuse and adapt all of these for very different team topics -->

Rowland Mosbergen

@grimalkina @johnmark

I hire by reducing the weighting of experience and increasing the weighting of continuous improvement skills, tolerance for complexity, tolerance for ambiguity, critical thinking, adaptability, learnability, and being collaborative by default.

I try to expose students to this culture via an internship program - wehi-researchcomputing.github.

About half the students struggle as they are used to being spoonfed questions.

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