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Much of the fear mongering about "gender and sex are only ever binary" is a type of misogyny: the man is very valuable, the woman isn't as valuable. To them, if a man can become a woman, "he" willingly loses value; if a woman becomes a man, "she" is trying to gain value. So, to bigots, all trans people must be faking it or some kind of threat.


Trans people, like married gay and queer couples, are a reminder to the bigot that the facade of value we place upon each other with gender norms is just that... a facade.

argv minus one


I think that's what TERFs are thinking, too, only with the genders reversed.


Drew Mochak

@CaptBobbers @Catvalente The whole thing about sports not withstanding, I actually used to feel like this was the other way around, that the men were attempting to *raise* their value by becoming women.

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