@sun_addict @DrTCombs I walk 3 miles to work everyday because traffic is so bad that the bus takes the same amount of time as walking. I can't ride a bike because it's too dangerous in a city neighborhood with no bike lanes. But every single day I have to skirt around cars parked on 6in. curbs, sometimes even having to cross the street just to get around them. It's astonishing to me how many people will just turn off and leave their vehicle half on the tall sidewalk and half in busy traffic 🥴
@janeadams @DrTCombs
Oh yeah that's an annoyance for sure but I meant that you could get hit by a moving vehicle while you are in the supposed safe zone. Like for example, I'm super vigilant about cars when I'm crossing the road but I can't be vigilant 100% of my trip, I would just stop walking altogether.