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Guy LeCharles Gonzalez

@baldur And the flip side of that is not every post needs to be a long, heavily researched and thoroughly sourced treatise. That practically killed blogging for me a couple of times during the Twitter years, and caused a lot of anxiety when I decided to start up again with the "newsletter" format. My earliest ones were a lot shorter and it was so freeing!

Baldur Bjarnason

@glecharles Yeah. This is something I have to force myself to relearn regularly. Then to my surprise it's often the shorter, more personal posts that resonate with people.

(Tho, when I put it like that, it doesn't sound so surprising 😆 )

Guy LeCharles Gonzalez

@baldur 🤣 🤷🏽‍♂️

And that's why I wholeheartedly believe we should all blog for ourselves first, and worry less about "doing it right." Even professional endeavors need a little freedom otherwise they become formulaic and boring.


@glecharles @baldur A lot of the time when I post something on my blog, it's because I have run into some issue or another and spent a lot of time going down dark alleys and dead ends before finally figuring out the magical incantation that lets me do what I want.

In that sense, I guess my blog is a place for "notes to self that just might save others some time".

And then there's the occasional post that's completely different, like a book review.

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