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Ilya Zverev

@richlv @thibaultmol @MapComplete It feels like incorrect use of OSM facilities. E.g. notes are about mapping, not "a pole here blocks the cycleway" or "this turn makes it impossible for bikes". And I need a clear classification of cycling roads that's not easily done in OSM, less formal and less physical, more like "here I can cycle at 30+ kph".

Rihards Olups

@zverik @thibaultmol @MapComplete
Ah, I see - you mentioned tagging, so I thought it's purely about data that fits in OSM.

Sounds like utilising the mapped infra in OSM and building on top of it with custom attributes might work - maybe @brunspeteris has some hints? :) has some collaborative map functionality, but haven't used it myself, barely found it from some bits and pieces in memory.

Ilya Zverev

@richlv @thibaultmol @MapComplete @brunspeteris Thanks for the facilmap link, looks interesting (and hard to find :)

Technically that's what I'm planning, as you say: extract all the footways and cycleways (and lanes) from OSM, split by intersections, upload into a cloud GIS and add classifying/commenting with forms, available through a mobile app.

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