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Aleksei � Matiushkin

Just read a post about “Why FB doesn’t use Git.” When I only saw the title, I went to check if that was another rant on “Too big to fail” and “FB engineers cannot be wrong.”

Exactly. FB did everything wrong, and Git maintainers pointed it out, FB engineers were too smart to be sure they could not do anything wrong.

The truth is G, FB, and AWS are all full of absolutely not competent arrogant slugs, having zero moral principles to work for bastards in the first place.

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German Tebiev

@mudasobwa, some time ago, I was writing an article about monorepositories. Back then I discovered that some big companies have that big monorepos that they can’t fit engineers machines. To overcome this, the companies introduced additional tools for repository parts on-demand loading.

I thought then that it was quite a significant git idea corruption.

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