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Joshua Barretto

On my main machine, on which I have several containerised apps, I've hit the following containerisation issues:

- Firefox demanding to be made the default browser every few weeks (it already is)

- Gamepad inputs not being passes to apps seemingly at random (not permissions-related)

- Some apps being unable to start a Vulkan context

- Dark/light theme not applying for some apps

- Never knowing where to find config files for any given app

- CSD occasionally not working for some apps

1 comment
Joshua Barretto

Those are just the issues I can remember off the top of my head, but there have been many more. Both flatpak and snap feel shockingly half-baked, more akin to a tech demo with some fancy tooling than a battle-tested piece of foundational infrastructure.

Sure, maybe a lot of this is the fault of the apps themselves not having been built with containerisation in mind: but wherever the fault lies, it's still a rough experience for users.

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