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@zverik What sort of things do you need to do?

Are you looking for the sort of thing local councils might do for maintenance purposes?
e.g. the sorts of things outlined here:

Or are you looking to put together something for lobbying/advocacy purposes? Something else?

Ilya Zverev

@InsertUser It's the latter: I intend to gather a group of volunteers to survey cycleways in a city, to later use for advocacy and to publish in online media. So it's a bit early for policies. I'm focusing on a practical side: e.g. many officially present cycleways can't be properly cycled irl.



For small groups and areas a uMap map might work for notes and lines? Not very mobile friendly though, it's more for display than collection.

For non-OSM data collection in the field I've only heard of QField and Mergin maps. They both rely on a #QGIS file to set up the forms and data layers and I think they can be configured for users to attach photos. I've never used either seriously though (just a hobbyist), so I'm relying on their own case studies/media relations.

Ilya Zverev

@InsertUser Yeah my current plan is to use NextGIS Web + Collector (similar to QField), since most of the work will be on a mobile.

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