@mhoye I took a course like this at the grad level. Things that stood out:

- open source dev models (we had a critical look at The Cathedral and the Bazaar but that might not be the right choice for first year students as opposed to a class of 10 argumentative grad students who wanted to pick apart ideas and discuss what aged well and what didn't)
- waterfall to agile development. We read the original paper that coined the term and I was delighted to learn that it actually said no one really did a waterfall and it was more like many tiny waterfalls
- negative design patterns, like Big Ball of Mud and spaghetti code.
- my prof's funny story about how he accidentally DDoSed all of New Zealand where he was living at the time. I mean, it was a funny story, but it also got the class talking about practicalities of internet topology of the time which was pretty useful and informed many of my feelings about geoip lookups and mirroring for some years thereafter.