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i find it fascinating how limiting network access for kids does not result in them abiding by your rules but rather leads them to find ways around it

my parents always restricted my internet on a MAC address whitelist mechanism so i learned how to use wireshark and ip tools

my high school had a firewall set up to prevent us from accessing game websites and tools that could potentially help us cheat, so i learned how to bypass their sophos and fortinet firewalls by setting up an nginx conf for on my server, doing host header spoofing and tunelling my traffic over wireguard which was also tunneled over chisel, a http tunnel

maybe i would've followed their rules if they had a reasonable explanation as to why it was for my own good instead of screaming at me and forcing their bullshit views onto me


@alina well said! ​:blobhaj_heart:​

I think this can be applied to so many different areas and very much resonates with me as when ever somebody tells me explicity that I can't do something and they don't give me a good reason, there is a good chance I will deadset myself to work around their system or just violate it.

I am not going to give any examples though


@alina the real reason the US is banning tiktok is to prepare the nation for upcoming cyberwars by raising a generation that learned how to access it anyways

GreyCookieDough Or, they created a backwards way to make you learn how to use computers.

You are living proof as to why kids should not be allowed to use the Internet.

am use task manager to turn off award winning parental control


@alina yeah authoritarianism always leads to resistance even if the authoritarianism was done with the best interests of the subjects in mind (it almost never is)

@alina I only hear smart girl rambling :cirnoPat:
Tyler :neocat_flag_demiguy: My family was similar. I don't think they really had the technical knowhow to restrict my Internet usage the way yours did, but they would often limit me by taking my devices away from me. This continued all the way up until I moved out to college.

I got so good at finding old devices to use to reach out to my friends and I'm fairly certain they never knew about most of it. Restricting access to "protect someone" is just a spark for creativity.

in addition, they forced me to use Life360, even when I was in college because I was still financially dependent on them. I had to go through so many damn hoops to go see my girlfriend who lived three hours away. And guess what? They still don't know about that. All that work and the only thing that comes out of it is I'm sneakier and Life360 probably illegally sold my location data to data brokers. My family was similar. I don't think they really had the technical knowhow to restrict my Internet usage the way yours did, but they would often limit me by taking my devices away from me. This continued all the way up until I moved out to college.

I got so good at finding old devices to use to reach out to my friends and I'm fairly certain they never knew about most of it. Restricting...

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