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dyani 🫠

I wanna see how many of us are struggling financially.

No shame either way!

🔁 Boosts encouraged!

Anonymous poll


I'm struggling to afford things
I'm comfortable
49 people voted.
Voting ended 15 Mar 2024 at 16:29.
dyani 🫠

Answers are vague on purpose. This is more about how you feel, not about any financial nitty-gritty.


@dyani We're doing ok right now, but my husband has resigned his job so our financial future so we're suddenly having to be careful for the foreseeable future.

dyani 🫠

@Zumbador i remember reading your posts about that. Seems like it could be or become "struggling" more easily now than before.

How is he doing? less stressed?


@dyani He's got a few more days left at work and he's not doing well at all. He's grieving the job he's losing. I'm hoping that having a break and resting will help him regain his balance. He's got a really good therapist so that does make a difference.

dyani 🫠

@Zumbador oh no that makes me sad for him! I can empathize in a way. I love my job but there are aspects of it that really burn me out. I hope he can really sink into the break and luxuriate in the change.


@dyani I'm hoping so too! He needs a change really desperately so this might be very good for him.

मानस Mānas مانس

@dyani Here in “ontario”, many of us are trapped in the enforced legislative poverty of ODSP, which I have been describing instead as ‘ontario disability sucka pogrom’ given that this has felt like a death sentence from the beginning.

dyani 🫠

@manas ugh that sounds horrible, i'm so sorry. It is so easy to be trapped inside government poverty in capitalism.


@dyani Every time I think we're comfortable, up comes another expense and things get tight again.

I actually had a nightmare about it last night.

dyani 🫠

@greenmountaingirl same! it's the most stressful part of my life. i always say that without capitalism, i could weather any storm. emotional hardship, fine! physical hardship or illness, fine! as long as i had support and there was no question about my survival needs being met and no money to worry about, I could conquer anything.

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