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Tobias Klausmann

@mjg59 I feel like faking that database would have required a VM or real hardware of correct vintage, a fitting OS, being isolated from the outside world, setting the date in BIOS setup before installing the OS, and then carefully, over several reboots while warping time again in setup, making those DB entries.

And then the email problem would still have existed. I think the trickiest part there was the Gmail format change. Not insurmountable, but you'd need to be aware of the problem first.

Matthew Garrett

@klausman it's really hard! Another instance in the same case involved wastebasket metadata that corresponded to a later version of Windows than was supposed to be associated with the drive

Tobias Klausmann

@mjg59 It's almost as if context matters everywhere :)

Erin 💽✨
@mjg59 @klausman I imagine depending upon vintage you might have issues with the wrong DKIM keys being used also!
James Henstridge

@klausman @mjg59 Even without the Gmail bit, he was relying on the recipient of the email to lie about what they received and when it arrived.

I wonder if he assumed his former lawyers would refuse to answer, on the basis of it being under privilege? That might have worked if he wasn't also submitting the possibly privileged information to the court as evidence...

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