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Chris Real


You really go to the trouble of typing something like that, knowing it's totally ineffective? That's just lazy.

There's unFollow, there's Block—USE them. That's what they're there for.

Schools are superspreaders

@_chris_real Just look at all the bullshit YOU typed. Why are you still talking, when keeping your damn mouth shut is always an option?

Chris Real


So you're the erstwhile hall monitor of Mastodon? I think, nahhh.

If you need people to shut up to make you happy, maybe you should think about your dependancy issues.

Nobody died and left you boss [with censorship powers].

Mastodon gave you a Block. USE it.

Schools are superspreaders

@_chris_real Consider all the shit YOU talked about ProPublica, when you could have just as easily blocked or muted the guy. You can dish it out, but you can't take it. And, you're projecting.

Chris Real replied to Schools are superspreaders


This is not shit, this is the public record:

While the Sandler Foundation provided ProPublica with significant financial support, it also has received funding from the Knight Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Pew Charitable Trusts, Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation, and the Atlantic Philanthropies. ProPublica and the Knight Foundation have various connections.

For example, Paul Steiger, executive chairman of ProPublica, is a trustee of the Knight Foundation. In like manner, Alberto Ibarguen, the president and CEO of the Knight Foundation is on the board of ProPublica. ProPublica, along with other major news outlets, received grant funding from Sam Bankman-Fried, the founder of cryptocurrency exchange FTX.

[Sam Bankman-Fried, indeed!]

ProPublica has attracted attention for the salaries it pays its employees. In 2008, Paul Steiger, the editor of ProPublica, received a salary of $570,000.


This is not shit, this is the public record:

While the Sandler Foundation provided ProPublica with significant financial support, it also has received funding from the Knight Foundation, MacArthur Foundation, Pew Charitable Trusts, Ford Foundation, the Carnegie Corporation, and the Atlantic Philanthropies. ProPublica and the Knight Foundation have various connections.

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