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Ben Werdmuller

@chargrille I've definitely been having that conversation!

Steven Zekowski

@ben @chargrille
I’ve donated the last 2 years. Money well spent. Thank you for the valuable investigative journalism you and your colleagues do.

Ben Werdmuller

@steve_zeke @chargrille All my colleagues' work! I just help with the technology side.

Thank you very very much for donating!

Steven Zekowski

@ben @chargrille
Your modesty is admirable and, although you’re not a journalist, I imagine they couldn’t succeed at what they do without your help. Please allow yourself a pat onto the back.

Erin Conroy


Awesome! Thank you!

I saw ProPublica now has something like 115K followers on here, which is a lot for Mastodon! So I can only assume that means they have a quite large audience & a lot of support. Suspect we'd see more articles from any outlets who implement that share button!

Thank you all for your support for their invaluable work, which I have used & benefited from for more years now than I'd like to count.

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